Initiatives - Good Practices

Name: Equipment Design/ Creation of a functional object

Description: the video was used as an educational resource, so that each student could show the whole creative process, from the idea to the final proposition. It is used as descriptive memory (memo), but also as a way of product disclosure.

Name : Project “ Company” – Junior Achievement

Description : Creating a promotional video of the product to market by the company JETLIFEE.


Name: Educational Course of Photographie

Description : To encourage and to reduce school failure, the school, after consultation of the opinion of the students, has proposed inflow in photography education course of 2 years. The acquisition of this course allow students to acquire the taste for knowledge and how to do so, at the end of the course proudly participated with their photographic works in “Photographic show” at the City Museum of Almada.


Name: National Cinema Plan

Description: The National Cinema Plan (PNC) is a joint initiative of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers, through the Office of the Secretary of State for Culture, and the Ministry of Education and Science, the Office of the Secretary of State for Basic and Secondary Education.

The PNC is intended as a program of cinema literacy and the dissemination of national cinematographic works to the school public, guaranteeing essential instruments and reading and interpreting cinematographic works among the pupils of the schools covered by the program.



Name: Photos Exhibition/ City Museum 

Description:  A CEF course, whose objective was the integration in the community, gave rise to an exhibition of photographs in the city museum. The theme of this exhibition was «The City».

The City Museum is the name of one of the museums of the city of Almada, opened to the public on 1 November 2003 as a home of history and memories of the city, learning and urban experience of the county. With a central exhibition now renewed, the Museum has established itself as the central hub of the network of municipal museums, and today has a recognized role as an educational resource, specialized equipment and a space open to the community.

The Museum integrates two exhibition areas, educational services, documentation center, multipurpose room, shop and cafeteria / restaurant in a landscaped space.


Name: 4th exhibition of video on Educational Context

Description: The video in school context has been emerging since the ‘ 80 as documentary/Historical tool of various times and transformation processes of knowledge and society. In this fourth video showcase in Educational Context-60 years educating Almada: Courses …, we want to “show” what we did and do in the latter decades long Esen. We will share the culture with former students and Teachers, now artistic professionals and valuing their Routes show … from the output of ESEN, a gathering of generations.

This show is not closed, there is a space for schools and groups in the municipality of Almada and the national level, such as the EPAOE-School of Arts and crafts from CHAPITÔ show or PNC-national plan of Cinema that we “Show” as the use of video is an instrument and middle education facilitator in this century.

As we like to share our knowledge, we will have a team of students in permanent operation in the workshop of culture to “Teach  edit video” the whole community of Almada.


Name:  Futuristic Almada

Description: This project is the willingness to meet in an exhibition the Artistic consciousness of students of 3 schools of Arts and multimedia (Anselmo de Andrade, Emídio Navarro and Francisco Simões) that since 2014 “do work” on Artistic partnership students of these Schools with motivation, quality and Joy. The “artistic” creation in Almada has a future … and this is our young people.
