LTT – Scotland – Set 2018 – Teachers

1 st training “ Trainer of trainers “ in Glasgow, from 9th to 15th of September 2018.
The purpose of this meeting, was to make it possible to enrich the community of our school and of the partner entities, with greater commitment, encouraging and stimulating students to develop their skills in these areas (video and image on educational context), using tools that are within your reach and which are part of your everyday life. From this perspective, we learned and we tried using the phone as a tool for short films, with reference to a sequence of 5 images allowed to tell a story. Also, studies were conducted (interviews, photos and movies) with different perspectives on the part of each team. The teams were composed of elements of different participating countries, randomly selected, and the subject was also different for each one.
For optimization of products to build, were made known rules of crucial importance in this achievement.
The sharing of experiences between the different pairs, was of the utmost importance, for achieving the goals of the project.

Resume of the Day
Day 1
Days 2 and 3