Meeting – Romania – Feb 2019

The 2nd Movie Project of the Erasmus programme began in Oradea, Romania on 4th of February, at the University of Oradea, with the participation of all members of the project. The first day of the Movie Project meeting was dedicated to the presentations of the 1st quality report of the project. The participants emphasized the role of the video and image teaching & learning methods, as current teacher training programmes, and as well as the challenges they face in their institutions. As well as discussing the newsletter, including presentations of the 1st one and the preparation of the 2nd newsletter, reunited under the awareness of the importance of dialogue and communication of all implied parties, the meeting established other important goals as follows:
– Progress report;
– Financial aspects;
– Selection the logo of the project;
– Discussion of the website implementation;
– Survey about motivation/early school leaving of the student;
– Good practices shared by each partner.
On Tuesday, 5th of February, the 2nd day of the meeting started with the training model for teachers in Video Education and training course for teachers at local level, having as goals improving students and teachers creative abilities. Also, an important step of the 2nd meeting was the E-Book presentation and the Web Library.
The 2nd day of the meeting was concluded by the overview and administrative management of the Project by the Project Coordinator, establishing the future steps in the project. The host partner prepared a cultural program and all participants learned about the history and the places of interest in Oradea. The guests visited the City Hall (, meeting the Vice Mayor, Florin Birta, and took a walk through the historical centre of the city. The partners also visited the various churches of different confessions to the city as Moon Church, The Cathedral Basilica of St. Mary also called Catholic Cathedral of the Assumption, and at last but not least the Orthodox Cathedral of Oradea.
The highlights of the meeting were sharing the ideas to reach the project main aim and the pleasure of seeing different countries teachers and students working together for a mutual goal. Due to the excellent organization, the warm hospitality of the Romanian colleagues and the active participation of all partners the 2nd meeting was successful and fruitful.